Foreclosure Defense Lawyers – West Palm Beach FL

The law office of Byrnes Guillaume, Attorney at Law, PLLC are Foreclosure Defense Lawyers serving the West Palm Beach FL area. If you are a home owner and have been served with a complaint by a mortgage company or Home Owner Association, Byrnes Guillaume can assist you. As a result of the declining economy and irresponsible lenders, foreclosure is a problem that many Florida residents are facing. At Byrnes Guillaume, Attorney at Law, PLLC, the firm has knowledge of the foreclosure landscape throughout the state of Florida to customize a defense based on your needs and desires.

Loan Mods

Modifying your existing loan may be the best way for you to get out of foreclosure or prevent it altogether. At Byrnes Guillaume, Attorney at Law, PLLC, we are confident we can help you reach an acceptable compromise between you and your lender that will allow you to stay in your home.

Short Sale/Deed in Lieu

Whether your property is too deep “underwater” or you just feel like getting rid of the property and starting fresh, Byrnes Guillaume, Attorney at Law, PLLC can help you decide what is the best route for you. A Short Sale is selling your home for a price that is less than the total amount owed on your existing mortgage. Deed in Lieu is obtaining a complete release from your obligations on your existing mortgage in exchange for your agreement to surrender your property back to the bank. Both of these options are cheaper alternatives and have less of a negative impact on your credit report than a foreclosure will.

Strategic Default

When the amount you owe on your property is more than the property is worth, it sometimes makes sense to enter into strategic default. Strategic default is when you stop making payments on a debt despite having the ability to pay. There are many advantages to this, as well as some disadvantages, and Byrnes Guillaume, Attorney at Law, PLLC would love to discuss this option with you to see if it fits your needs.


If you are a landlord or a tenant, regardless if the subject property is part of a commercial or residential lease, you have many rights that you need to be aware of. Byrnes Guillaume, Attorney at Law, PLLC are foreclosure defense lawyers that have helped resolve many types of landlord-tenant disputes whether it’s having a non-compliant tenant that you need evicted, a dispute over a security deposit or property damage, or reviewing a potential lease to make sure you and your rights are protected.

Deficiency Judgments

In Florida, if your property is sold at auction, and the price that it is sold for is less than the amount that is owed on the property, the Bank can come after you for the difference. Byrnes Guillaume, Attorney at Law, PLLC has experience negotiating with the Banks to have the deficiency waived. In defending a foreclosure.

Foreclosure Defense Lawyers | West Palm Beach Florida | Byrnes Guillaume


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